Gun Case Trimmers USA & Canada


Gun Case Trimmers USA & Canada

Gun Case Trimmers USA & Canada

Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer 358 Norma Magnum Trim Chamber USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer 358 Norma Magnum Trim Chamber USA & Canada

USD 31.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The wft 2 is the next generation of wft trimmers. The two main improvements are the ability to trim up to 45 caliber and interchange trim chambers. The wft 2 has a half inch shaft and requires a half inch chuck to drive it. The feature most customers asked for was the ability to interchange trim chambers. Instead of press fitting the trim chambers, like the original wft, the trim chambers on the wft 2 are a slight slip fit in bearing with a groove cut for an o-ring which creates a press fit. Changing out trim chambers is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided. Installing the trim chamber is accomplished by setti Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028216-749014410-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer 308 Norma Magnum Trim Chamber USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer 308 Norma Magnum Trim Chamber USA & Canada

USD 31.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The wft 2 is the next generation of wft trimmers. The two main improvements are the ability to trim up to 45 caliber and interchange trim chambers. The wft 2 has a half inch shaft and requires a half inch chuck to drive it. The feature most customers asked for was the ability to interchange trim chambers. Instead of press fitting the trim chambers, like the original wft, the trim chambers on the wft 2 are a slight slip fit in bearing with a groove cut for an o-ring which creates a press fit. Changing out trim chambers is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided. Installing the trim chamber is accomplished by setti Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028205-749014410-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks "big Boy" Trimmer Worlds Finest Trimmer Big Boy Trimmer (Body Only) USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks "big Boy" Trimmer Worlds Finest Trimmer Big Boy Trimmer (Body Only) USA & Canada

USD 101.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The world's finest trimmer's big brother is designed for the really big cartridges, up to 50 bmg. Same top-quality, precision components, but beefed up for harder work. It requires a drill with a " chuck and it's set up a little differently from the wft. One heavy-duty trimmer body accepts any one of the interchangeable trim chambers, so you buy the body once, then the trim chamber for the cartridge(s) you're working with. Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100011338-100011338-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 22 Tcm Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 22 Tcm Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada

USD 87.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The "world's finest trimmer" lets you trim more cases in less time - and with less effort - using your electric drill as a power source. The adjustable cutter rotates and shortens the case until the shoulder contacts the close-fitting stop that is mounted in a bearing to prevent it from rotating and marring the case. Simply pick up a case and push it against the cutter until the excess brass is removed. Once you have the trimmer set up and get a rhythm going, you can easily maintain a pace of 8-10 cases per minute a joy to use! durable aluminum and stainless steel construction, with a high-speed steel cutter for years of reliable service. Units only trim cartridg Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028092-749013292-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer 270 Weatherby Magnum Trim Chamber USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer 270 Weatherby Magnum Trim Chamber USA & Canada

USD 31.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The wft 2 is the next generation of wft trimmers. The two main improvements are the ability to trim up to 45 caliber and interchange trim chambers. The wft 2 has a half inch shaft and requires a half inch chuck to drive it. The feature most customers asked for was the ability to interchange trim chambers. Instead of press fitting the trim chambers, like the original wft, the trim chambers on the wft 2 are a slight slip fit in bearing with a groove cut for an o-ring which creates a press fit. Changing out trim chambers is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided. Installing the trim chamber is accomplished by setti Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028191-749014410-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer Trim Chamber .22 250 Rem USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer Trim Chamber .22 250 Rem USA & Canada

USD 31.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The wft 2 is the next generation of wft trimmers. The two main improvements are the ability to trim up to 45 caliber and interchange trim chambers. The wft 2 has a half inch shaft and requires a half inch chuck to drive it. The feature most customers asked for was the ability to interchange trim chambers. Instead of press fitting the trim chambers, like the original wft, the trim chambers on the wft 2 are a slight slip fit in bearing with a groove cut for an o-ring which creates a press fit. Changing out trim chambers is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided. Installing the trim chamber is accomplished by setti Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749014415-749014410-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer Trim Chamber .257 Roberts USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer Trim Chamber .257 Roberts USA & Canada

USD 31.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The wft 2 is the next generation of wft trimmers. The two main improvements are the ability to trim up to 45 caliber and interchange trim chambers. The wft 2 has a half inch shaft and requires a half inch chuck to drive it. The feature most customers asked for was the ability to interchange trim chambers. Instead of press fitting the trim chambers, like the original wft, the trim chambers on the wft 2 are a slight slip fit in bearing with a groove cut for an o-ring which creates a press fit. Changing out trim chambers is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided. Installing the trim chamber is accomplished by setti Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749014424-749014410-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer Trim Chamber .250 Savage USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer Trim Chamber .250 Savage USA & Canada

USD 31.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The wft 2 is the next generation of wft trimmers. The two main improvements are the ability to trim up to 45 caliber and interchange trim chambers. The wft 2 has a half inch shaft and requires a half inch chuck to drive it. The feature most customers asked for was the ability to interchange trim chambers. Instead of press fitting the trim chambers, like the original wft, the trim chambers on the wft 2 are a slight slip fit in bearing with a groove cut for an o-ring which creates a press fit. Changing out trim chambers is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided. Installing the trim chamber is accomplished by setti Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749014423-749014410-20591.

Lyman E Zee Trimmer 6.5 Creedmoor Trim Pilot USA & Canada
Lyman E Zee Trimmer 6.5 Creedmoor Trim Pilot USA & Canada

USD 6.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Lyman introduces a case trimming system for the reloader interested in economy or prefering to have an individual precision hand system for each caliber. The ezee trim case trimming system allows the user to trim cases by hand or with a power attachment (included) to precise pre-set length. The trimmer comes with a case locking device, cutter, trim-to length pilot, cutterhead and both hand and power trimming adapters. The trimmer works with any standard shell holder including lyman, redding, rcbs, hornady and lee precision. Assembles in seconds and you are ready to trim cases. The ezee-trim system comes in three practical variations. Ezee trim rifle set- includes hand trimmer, power adapt Manufacturer: lyman. High specification gun case trimmers by Lyman, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 539000073-749101806-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 6mm Br Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 6mm Br Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada

USD 77.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The "world's finest trimmer" lets you trim more cases in less time - and with less effort - using your electric drill as a power source. The adjustable cutter rotates and shortens the case until the shoulder contacts the close-fitting stop that is mounted in a bearing to prevent it from rotating and marring the case. Simply pick up a case and push it against the cutter until the excess brass is removed. Once you have the trimmer set up and get a rhythm going, you can easily maintain a pace of 8-10 cases per minute a joy to use! durable aluminum and stainless steel construction, with a high-speed steel cutter for years of reliable service. Units only trim cartridg Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749013292-749013292-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 264 Winchester Magnum Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 264 Winchester Magnum Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada

USD 87.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The "world's finest trimmer" lets you trim more cases in less time - and with less effort - using your electric drill as a power source. The adjustable cutter rotates and shortens the case until the shoulder contacts the close-fitting stop that is mounted in a bearing to prevent it from rotating and marring the case. Simply pick up a case and push it against the cutter until the excess brass is removed. Once you have the trimmer set up and get a rhythm going, you can easily maintain a pace of 8-10 cases per minute a joy to use! durable aluminum and stainless steel construction, with a high-speed steel cutter for years of reliable service. Units only trim cartridg Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028111-749013292-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer Trim Chamber .257 Roberts Ackley Imp. USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer Trim Chamber .257 Roberts Ackley Imp. USA & Canada

USD 31.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The wft 2 is the next generation of wft trimmers. The two main improvements are the ability to trim up to 45 caliber and interchange trim chambers. The wft 2 has a half inch shaft and requires a half inch chuck to drive it. The feature most customers asked for was the ability to interchange trim chambers. Instead of press fitting the trim chambers, like the original wft, the trim chambers on the wft 2 are a slight slip fit in bearing with a groove cut for an o-ring which creates a press fit. Changing out trim chambers is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided. Installing the trim chamber is accomplished by setti Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749014425-749014410-20591.

L.E. Wilson Stainless Steel Case Trimmer Stainless Case Trimmer USA & Canada
L.E. Wilson Stainless Steel Case Trimmer Stainless Case Trimmer USA & Canada

USD 83.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The l.E. Wilson stainless steel case trimmer is the most accurate case trimmer in the world! the unique way the case is held assures your cases are aligned square to the cutter during trimming and that the trimmed length is identical for each case. The l.E. Wilson trimmer uses case holders that hold the case neck by the body taper and utilizes no pilots during the case trimming operation. The trimmer utilizes a rail system that the case holders, cutter housing, and adjustment stop sits on providing perfect alignment with each other. Trimmer case holders are available separately. Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. High specification gun case trimmers by L.E. Wilson, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749013807-749013807-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer 30 40 Krag Trim Chamber USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer 30 40 Krag Trim Chamber USA & Canada

USD 31.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The wft 2 is the next generation of wft trimmers. The two main improvements are the ability to trim up to 45 caliber and interchange trim chambers. The wft 2 has a half inch shaft and requires a half inch chuck to drive it. The feature most customers asked for was the ability to interchange trim chambers. Instead of press fitting the trim chambers, like the original wft, the trim chambers on the wft 2 are a slight slip fit in bearing with a groove cut for an o-ring which creates a press fit. Changing out trim chambers is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided. Installing the trim chamber is accomplished by setti Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028198-749014410-20591.

Lyman E Zee Trimmer Lyman "e Zee" Trim Pilot .243 Win USA & Canada
Lyman E Zee Trimmer Lyman "e Zee" Trim Pilot .243 Win USA & Canada

USD 5.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Lyman introduces a case trimming system for the reloader interested in economy or prefering to have an individual precision hand system for each caliber. The ezee trim case trimming system allows the user to trim cases by hand or with a power attachment (included) to precise pre-set length. The trimmer comes with a case locking device, cutter, trim-to length pilot, cutterhead and both hand and power trimming adapters. The trimmer works with any standard shell holder including lyman, redding, rcbs, hornady and lee precision. Assembles in seconds and you are ready to trim cases. The ezee-trim system comes in three practical variations. Ezee trim rifle set- includes hand trimmer, power adapt Manufacturer: lyman. High specification gun case trimmers by Lyman, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749101812-749101806-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 26 Nosler Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 26 Nosler Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada

USD 87.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The "world's finest trimmer" lets you trim more cases in less time - and with less effort - using your electric drill as a power source. The adjustable cutter rotates and shortens the case until the shoulder contacts the close-fitting stop that is mounted in a bearing to prevent it from rotating and marring the case. Simply pick up a case and push it against the cutter until the excess brass is removed. Once you have the trimmer set up and get a rhythm going, you can easily maintain a pace of 8-10 cases per minute a joy to use! durable aluminum and stainless steel construction, with a high-speed steel cutter for years of reliable service. Units only trim cartridg Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028108-749013292-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer Trim Chamber .338 Rem Ultra Mag USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer Trim Chamber .338 Rem Ultra Mag USA & Canada

USD 31.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The wft 2 is the next generation of wft trimmers. The two main improvements are the ability to trim up to 45 caliber and interchange trim chambers. The wft 2 has a half inch shaft and requires a half inch chuck to drive it. The feature most customers asked for was the ability to interchange trim chambers. Instead of press fitting the trim chambers, like the original wft, the trim chambers on the wft 2 are a slight slip fit in bearing with a groove cut for an o-ring which creates a press fit. Changing out trim chambers is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided. Installing the trim chamber is accomplished by setti Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749014452-749014410-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer 17 Hornet Trim Chamber USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer 17 Hornet Trim Chamber USA & Canada

USD 31.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The wft 2 is the next generation of wft trimmers. The two main improvements are the ability to trim up to 45 caliber and interchange trim chambers. The wft 2 has a half inch shaft and requires a half inch chuck to drive it. The feature most customers asked for was the ability to interchange trim chambers. Instead of press fitting the trim chambers, like the original wft, the trim chambers on the wft 2 are a slight slip fit in bearing with a groove cut for an o-ring which creates a press fit. Changing out trim chambers is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided. Installing the trim chamber is accomplished by setti Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028165-749014410-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Precision Prep Tool Black USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Precision Prep Tool Black USA & Canada

USD 32.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The little crow gunworks precision prep tool, or ppt, is a manual case prep tool that couples the control of a traditional hand tool with greater speed and efficiency associated with power tools. The ppt's tool head is drilled and tapped to accept four standard 8-32 thread, screw-on case prep tools - no switching between different tools or swapping cutters. You keep the precision prep tool in your hand and simply perform up to four prep steps, one after the other. Unlike other prep tools that require you to twist your wrist or rotate the tool, the precision prep tool's offset head only needs a simple rotation of your forearm to chamfer, deburr, clean the primer pocket, an Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028082-100028082-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks World's Finest Trimmer Replacement Cutters Worlds Finest Trimmer Spare Cutter 7mm .338 Caliber USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks World's Finest Trimmer Replacement Cutters Worlds Finest Trimmer Spare Cutter 7mm .338 Caliber USA & Canada

USD 12.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Replacement cutters for the original w.F.T. Razor sharp high-speed cutters make short work of you case trimming operation. Keep an extra one on hand just-in-case! Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100011337-100011336-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 25 06 Remington Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 25 06 Remington Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada

USD 87.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The "world's finest trimmer" lets you trim more cases in less time - and with less effort - using your electric drill as a power source. The adjustable cutter rotates and shortens the case until the shoulder contacts the close-fitting stop that is mounted in a bearing to prevent it from rotating and marring the case. Simply pick up a case and push it against the cutter until the excess brass is removed. Once you have the trimmer set up and get a rhythm going, you can easily maintain a pace of 8-10 cases per minute a joy to use! durable aluminum and stainless steel construction, with a high-speed steel cutter for years of reliable service. Units only trim cartridg Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028101-749013292-20591.

Act Coleman Trim It Ii Case Trimmer 38 Special/357 Mag/9mm (.381" Diameter) Caliber Die USA & Canada
Act Coleman Trim It Ii Case Trimmer 38 Special/357 Mag/9mm (.381" Diameter) Caliber Die USA & Canada

USD 19.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The trim-it ii mounts to any standard drill or drill press, making your case trimming faster and a whole lot easier. The adjustable 3-way cutter features a 3-sided carbide blade that allows you to trim, chamfer, and de-burr virtually any caliber of rifle or pistol brass. It features a built-in micrometer that allows for supremely accurate cut-length control and quick adjustability. The trim-it ii is not caliber specific, interchangeable dies are available but sold separately. Manufacturer: act coleman. High specification gun case trimmers by ACT, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100017714-100017700-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer Trim Chamber .221 Rem Fireball USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Wft 2 Trimmer Trim Chamber .221 Rem Fireball USA & Canada

USD 31.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The wft 2 is the next generation of wft trimmers. The two main improvements are the ability to trim up to 45 caliber and interchange trim chambers. The wft 2 has a half inch shaft and requires a half inch chuck to drive it. The feature most customers asked for was the ability to interchange trim chambers. Instead of press fitting the trim chambers, like the original wft, the trim chambers on the wft 2 are a slight slip fit in bearing with a groove cut for an o-ring which creates a press fit. Changing out trim chambers is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided. Installing the trim chamber is accomplished by setti Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749014412-749014410-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 7mm Remington Magnum Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 7mm Remington Magnum Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada

USD 87.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The "world's finest trimmer" lets you trim more cases in less time - and with less effort - using your electric drill as a power source. The adjustable cutter rotates and shortens the case until the shoulder contacts the close-fitting stop that is mounted in a bearing to prevent it from rotating and marring the case. Simply pick up a case and push it against the cutter until the excess brass is removed. Once you have the trimmer set up and get a rhythm going, you can easily maintain a pace of 8-10 cases per minute a joy to use! durable aluminum and stainless steel construction, with a high-speed steel cutter for years of reliable service. Units only trim cartridg Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028156-749013292-20591.

Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 220 Russian Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada
Little Crow Gunworks Worlds Finest Trimmer 220 Russian Worlds Finest Trimmer USA & Canada

USD 87.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The "world's finest trimmer" lets you trim more cases in less time - and with less effort - using your electric drill as a power source. The adjustable cutter rotates and shortens the case until the shoulder contacts the close-fitting stop that is mounted in a bearing to prevent it from rotating and marring the case. Simply pick up a case and push it against the cutter until the excess brass is removed. Once you have the trimmer set up and get a rhythm going, you can easily maintain a pace of 8-10 cases per minute a joy to use! durable aluminum and stainless steel construction, with a high-speed steel cutter for years of reliable service. Units only trim cartridg Manufacturer: little crow gunworks, llc. High specification gun case trimmers by Little Crow, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028094-749013292-20591.

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