Handgun Dies USA & Canada


Handgun Dies USA & Canada

Handgun Dies USA & Canada

Lyman Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets .454 Casull Pistol Carbide 3 Die USA & Canada
Lyman Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets .454 Casull Pistol Carbide 3 Die USA & Canada

USD 57.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Each carbide 3-die pistol set contains a full length sizing die, 2-step expander die, and bullet seating die with roll crimp option. The sizing die features premium tungsten carbide sizing rings that eliminate the need for sizing lube and a one-piece, hardened tool steel decapping rod strong enough to use on crimped primer pockets. The seating die comes with extra seating die screws for a perfect fit with all popular bullet nose shapes. Fits all presses with industry standard 7⁄8" x 14 threads, including rcbs, lee, hornady, dillon, redding and others. Shell holder sold separately. Includes plastic storage case. Manufacturer: lyman. High specification handgun dies by Lyman, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749012618-749012615-20548.

Lee Precision Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets 10mm Auto Carbide 3 Die Set USA & Canada
Lee Precision Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets 10mm Auto Carbide 3 Die Set USA & Canada

USD 36.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Set includes carbide full length sizing die, bullet seating die, powder thru expanding die, shell holder, powder dipper and instructions/load data carbide dies requires no sizing lube Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification handgun dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100100512-100010128-20548.

Lee Precision Loaders 357 Magnum Loader USA & Canada
Lee Precision Loaders 357 Magnum Loader USA & Canada

USD 33.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Lee loader is a complete reloading system, kit includes everything needed to reload kit includes sizing die, decapping chamber, bullet seater and priming chamber, priming rod, powder measure, load data, plastic case and complete instructions requires hammer or rubber mallet, not included" Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification handgun dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100100502-100010078-20548.

Lee Precision 4 Die Deluxe Pistol Die Set 40 S&W Carbide 4 Die Set USA & Canada
Lee Precision 4 Die Deluxe Pistol Die Set 40 S&W Carbide 4 Die Set USA & Canada

USD 58.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Set includes carbide full length sizing die, bullet seating die, powder thru expanding die, carbide factory crimp die, shell holder, powder dipper and instructions/load data carbide factory crimp die allows you to separate the bullet seating from the crimping operation - it makes setup much easier and the die has the added feature of a carbide resizer that does a finish sizing pass on the completed round 50 beowolf contains a steel sizing die and steel taper crimp die not a factory crimp die. 50 beowolf does not come with the powder dipper or load data Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification handgun dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100010124-100010122-20548.

Rcbs 30 Mauser Full Length Sizer Die USA & Canada
Rcbs 30 Mauser Full Length Sizer Die USA & Canada

USD 48.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The 30 mauser full-length sizer die brings the case to saami minimum cartridge dimensions. It sizes the outside of the case, de-primes and expands the neck to accept the bullet. The die has vents to prevent case damage caused by trapped air and for excessive lubricant. Headspace is held to minimum tolerances to avoid changing the case body length during full length sizing. Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification handgun dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100060705-100060705-20548.

Lee Precision 4 Die Deluxe Pistol Die Set 50 Beowulf Steel 4 Die Set USA & Canada
Lee Precision 4 Die Deluxe Pistol Die Set 50 Beowulf Steel 4 Die Set USA & Canada

USD 41.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Set includes carbide full length sizing die, bullet seating die, powder thru expanding die, carbide factory crimp die, shell holder, powder dipper and instructions/load data carbide factory crimp die allows you to separate the bullet seating from the crimping operation - it makes setup much easier and the die has the added feature of a carbide resizer that does a finish sizing pass on the completed round 50 beowolf contains a steel sizing die and steel taper crimp die not a factory crimp die. 50 beowolf does not come with the powder dipper or load data Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification handgun dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100053134-100010122-20548.

Rcbs 460 S&W Carbide Sizer Die 460 S&W Sizer Die USA & Canada
Rcbs 460 S&W Carbide Sizer Die 460 S&W Sizer Die USA & Canada

USD 59.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The rcbs 460 s&w carbide sizer die sizes the case and de-primes. The carbide sizer ring eliminates the need to lubricate cases. Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification handgun dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100060482-100060482-20548.

Redding Premium Handgun Die Sets 44 Special 44 Magnum Premium Handgun Die Set USA & Canada
Redding Premium Handgun Die Sets 44 Special 44 Magnum Premium Handgun Die Set USA & Canada

USD 162.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The redding premium handgun 3-die set mate a titanium carbide-sizing die, a newly designed expander die containing the unique redding expander plug now coated in tin, titanium nitride for added surface hardness, lubricity and durability. The tin coating will also reduce brass build up on the expander as well, an important improvement for high volume reloaders. The redding expander contains a unique series of processes it provides as it travels into the case itself. First a radius on its base eases entry into the case mouth. Next a parallel expander section expands and true's the case internally to create a perfect bearing surface for the bullet as it is seated. This also a Manufacturer: redding. High specification handgun dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028777-100028773-20548.

Redding Pro Series Carbide G1298 Die Sets Pro Series Carbide Die Set 40 S&W USA & Canada
Redding Pro Series Carbide G1298 Die Sets Pro Series Carbide Die Set 40 S&W USA & Canada

USD 118.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
For those of you who want the best in pistol dies consider a redding titanium carbide set. Titanium carbide has the highest hardness of any readily available carbide and provides a slick, non-galling surface. The price is a little higher but no lubrication is needed and your cases will glide through the sizing die. Pro series pistol die sets are designed for use in progressive reloading machines. The expander die is eliminated from the set and a separate crimp die is substituted. The set includes a carbide sizing die, bullet seater (no crimp type), and a separate crimp die. Please note: these dies are specifically designed for progressive machines that expand the case mouth at th Manufacturer: redding. High specification handgun dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749007136-749007310-20548.

Redding Dual Ring Carbide Sizing Dies .44 Magnum USA & Canada
Redding Dual Ring Carbide Sizing Dies .44 Magnum USA & Canada

USD 111.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
These tool steel sizing dies incorporate two separate titanium carbide rings to properly resize straight-wall pistol cases. With a single stroke of the press, the top ring dimensionally sizes the case at the mouth, while the lower rings sizes the length of the case body without overworking the brass and shortening case life. Manufacturer: redding. High specification handgun dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749012667-749012665-20548.

Lee Precision Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets 45 Auto Rim Carbide 3 Die Set USA & Canada
Lee Precision Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets 45 Auto Rim Carbide 3 Die Set USA & Canada

USD 39.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Set includes carbide full length sizing die, bullet seating die, powder thru expanding die, shell holder, powder dipper and instructions/load data carbide dies requires no sizing lube Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification handgun dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100053202-100010128-20548.

Lee Precision Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets 30 M1 Carbine Carbide 3 Die Set USA & Canada
Lee Precision Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets 30 M1 Carbine Carbide 3 Die Set USA & Canada

USD 51.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Set includes carbide full length sizing die, bullet seating die, powder thru expanding die, shell holder, powder dipper and instructions/load data carbide dies requires no sizing lube Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification handgun dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100053433-100010128-20548.

Redding Premium Handgun Expander Dies 44 Special 44 Magnum Premium Expander Die USA & Canada
Redding Premium Handgun Expander Dies 44 Special 44 Magnum Premium Expander Die USA & Canada

USD 42.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The redding premium handgun expander die has a unique series of processes it provides as it travels into the case itself making it stand apart from the crowd. First a radius on its base eases entry into the case mouth. Next a parallel expander section expands and true's the case internally to create a perfect bearing surface for the bullet as it is seated. This also adds a more uniform bullet pull and start preassure as well. Next is a small step to properly align the bullet with the centerline of the cartridge case. This positions the bullet for proper contact with the seating micrometer, adding uniformity during the actual seating process. Lastly, a flare to further open the case mo Manufacturer: redding. High specification handgun dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100028832-100028828-20548.

Rcbs 38 S&W Cowboy Expander Die 38 S&W Expander Die USA & Canada
Rcbs 38 S&W Cowboy Expander Die 38 S&W Expander Die USA & Canada

USD 29.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The rcbs 38 s&w expander die expands the case to the poper diameter to accept unjacketed lead bullets and it imparts case mounth flare/bell for easier bullet feeding during the seating process. Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification handgun dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100060517-100060517-20548.

Lee Precision Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets 32 S&W Carbide 3 Die Set USA & Canada
Lee Precision Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets 32 S&W Carbide 3 Die Set USA & Canada

USD 37.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Set includes carbide full length sizing die, bullet seating die, powder thru expanding die, shell holder, powder dipper and instructions/load data carbide dies requires no sizing lube Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification handgun dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100053197-100010128-20548.

Lee Precision Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets 40 S&W Carbide 3 Die Set USA & Canada
Lee Precision Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets 40 S&W Carbide 3 Die Set USA & Canada

USD 38.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Set includes carbide full length sizing die, bullet seating die, powder thru expanding die, shell holder, powder dipper and instructions/load data carbide dies requires no sizing lube Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification handgun dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100100511-100010128-20548.

Rcbs 3 Die Carbide Roll Crimp Sets 454 Casull USA & Canada
Rcbs 3 Die Carbide Roll Crimp Sets 454 Casull USA & Canada

USD 70.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Rcbs carbide pistol 3-die set includes a carbide sizer die which eliminates the need for case lubrication and cleaning of cases before use. Also includes an expander die for expanding and belling case mouths and a seater die with profile or taper crimp. Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification handgun dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749005652-749010542-20548.

Lee Precision Bulge Buster Lee Bulge Buster USA & Canada
Lee Precision Bulge Buster Lee Bulge Buster USA & Canada

USD 17.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Push through die adapter will quickly remove the annoying bulge rings that shell holder constrained dies simply can't reach bulge buster kit includes: extension sleeve, push through punch, catch container and complete instructions. Use with your lee factory crimp die works with these rimless cases: 380 acp, 10mm, 40 s&w, 41 ae, 45 acp, 45 gap, and 45 win mag. This die requires the purchase of the appropriate caliber lee factory crimp die (steel or carbide) along with the bulge buster kit. Lee does not recommend the use of this kit on cartridges that were fired thru glock pistols or any other pistol that does not completely support the case head when rou Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification handgun dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100010151-100010151-20548.

Redding Competition Handgun Seater Dies Competition Seater Die 41 Mag USA & Canada
Redding Competition Handgun Seater Dies Competition Seater Die 41 Mag USA & Canada

USD 95.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
These seaters have a precision fitting bullet seating stem which is spring loaded. As the bullet and case move up into the seater positive alignment is insured. The micrometer adjustment on the seating stem simplifies setting and recording bullet seating depth. The micrometer is calibrated in .001 inch increments, is infinitely adjustable, and has a zero set feature. This seater has no crimping features. Crimping should be done with a separate redding profile crimp or taper crimp die. The competition seating die for the handgun and straight wall cases is compatible with most progressive reloading presses. Manufacturer: redding. High specification handgun dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749006934-749006936-20548.

Rcbs 32 S&W Long Carbide Cowboy Sizer Die 32 S&W Long Sizer Die USA & Canada
Rcbs 32 S&W Long Carbide Cowboy Sizer Die 32 S&W Long Sizer Die USA & Canada

USD 55.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The rcbs 32 s&w long cowboy carbide sizer die sizes the case and de-primes. The carbide sizer ring eliminates the need to lubricate cases. Rcbs cowboy dies are built to slightly different dimensions than their regular dies to allow optimum sizing needed to load lead bullet ammunition. Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification handgun dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100060497-100060497-20548.

Lee Precision Powder Thru Handgun Dies 380 Auto Powder Thru Die USA & Canada
Lee Precision Powder Thru Handgun Dies 380 Auto Powder Thru Die USA & Canada

USD 13.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Lee powder thru expanding die charges the case while expanding the case mouth. Used with powder funnel adapter or the auto disk or pro auto disk powder measure. Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification handgun dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100053266-100053262-20548.

Rcbs 45 Colt Expander Die USA & Canada
Rcbs 45 Colt Expander Die USA & Canada

USD 19.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The rcbs 45 colt expander die expands the case to the proper diameter to accept the bullet, and it imparts case mouth flare/bell for easier bullet feeding. Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification handgun dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100060605-100060605-20548.

Lyman Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets .44 Mag/Special Pistol Carbide 3 Die USA & Canada
Lyman Pistol Carbide 3 Die Sets .44 Mag/Special Pistol Carbide 3 Die USA & Canada

USD 65.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Each carbide 3-die pistol set contains a full length sizing die, 2-step expander die, and bullet seating die with roll crimp option. The sizing die features premium tungsten carbide sizing rings that eliminate the need for sizing lube and a one-piece, hardened tool steel decapping rod strong enough to use on crimped primer pockets. The seating die comes with extra seating die screws for a perfect fit with all popular bullet nose shapes. Fits all presses with industry standard 7⁄8" x 14 threads, including rcbs, lee, hornady, dillon, redding and others. Shell holder sold separately. Includes plastic storage case. Manufacturer: lyman. High specification handgun dies by Lyman, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749012615-749012615-20548.

Lee Precision Steel 3 Die Pistol Die Sets Lee Steel 3 Die Pistol Set 44/40 USA & Canada
Lee Precision Steel 3 Die Pistol Die Sets Lee Steel 3 Die Pistol Set 44/40 USA & Canada

USD 39.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Lee steel 3-die pistol set includes full length sizing die, bullet seating die and powder through expanding die, universal shell holder, powder dipper and instructions/load data. These dies are steel, not carbide, so cases will need to be lubed. Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification handgun dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100053237-100053437-20548.

Rcbs 480 Ruger/475 Linebaugh Carbide Sizer Die 480 Ruger 475 Linebaugh Sizer Die USA & Canada
Rcbs 480 Ruger/475 Linebaugh Carbide Sizer Die 480 Ruger 475 Linebaugh Sizer Die USA & Canada

USD 50.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The rcbs 480 ruger, 475 linebaugh carbide sizer die sizes the case and de-primes. The carbide sizer ring eliminates the need to lubricate cases. Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification handgun dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100060483-100060483-20548.

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