Redding Type S Match Bushing Full Die Sets 22 Ppc USA & Canada
USD 224.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The redding type s match bushing full die set contains a type s bushing full sizing die and a compeition seating die. The type s bushing full die allows full length resizing while maintaining exact control of the case neck. Interchangeable bushings allow you to determine your own level of sizing and neck tension. The competition bullet seating die features a micrometer calibrated in .001" increments and floating seating stem system which help eliminate concentricity problems. Manufacturer: redding. High specification rifle dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749008116-749008105-20576.
Redding Trim Dies 17 Mach Iv USA & Canada
USD 70.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Redding trim dies allow you to file trim your cases without unnecessary resizing. Other manufacturers use sizing die dimensions, forceing you to full length resize when trimming. For case forming and necking brass down from another caliber, redding trim dies can be the perfect intermediate step before full length resizing. Manufacturer: redding. High specification rifle dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749005829-749003746-20576.
L.E. Wilson Stainless Seaters Ss Chamber Type Bullet Seater .223 Wssm USA & Canada
USD 99.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
These stainless steel seaters from l.E. Wilson have a built-in micrometer seating depth adjustment feature with an easy to read scale in .001" graduations. Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. High specification rifle dies by L.E. Wilson, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749007483-749005898-20576.
Redding Neck Sizing Die Sets 270 Weatherby Mag USA & Canada
USD 74.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Redding neck die sets contain two dies. The neck sizing dies contains a decapping rod assembly with a neck expancer button. The seating die includes bullet guide, built in crimp ring and the proper seating plug. Manufacturer: redding. High specification rifle dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749006180-749005111-20576.
Redding Full Length Sizing Dies 300 Weatherby Mag USA & Canada
USD 35.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
These dies size the full length of your cartridge including the neck and body of the case. Includes a decapping assembly and expander ball. Available individually or in full length die sets and deluxe die sets. We recommend the use of a headspace gauge when setting up a full length sizing die. Manufacturer: redding. High specification rifle dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749004226-749005885-20576.
Lee Collet 2 Die Neck Sizer Sets 204 Ruger Collet 2 Die Neck Sizer Set USA & Canada
USD 37.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
There is no loading system that will load more accurate ammunition than lee collet dies. A collet squeezes the case neck against a precision mandrel for a perfect fit with minimum run-out. No lube case is needed. Cases last ten times longer, so the savings on only 35 cases will pay for the dies. Maximum accuracy is usually achieved by seating the bullet out far enough to touch or almost touch the rifling. This provides the shot start pressure normally supplied by the crimp. That's why a dead length bullet seater is included to complete the most accurate reloading system ever made. These dies size only the neck to preserve the perfect fit of fire forming. Only reload cases that have be Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification rifle dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100053431-100053429-20576.
Rcbs Gold Medal Match Full Length Neck Bushing Die Set Gold Medal Match 2 Die Set .300 Rem Ultra Mag USA & Canada
USD 130.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Rcbs is proud to introduce the gold medal series of neck bushing rifle dies. This changeable diameter neck bushing type of die has been used by bench rest and long range precision shooters for years. Due to variability in neck brass thickness, rcbs standard dies size the neck below your desired diameter and then pull an expander ball through to get the proper bullet tension. The gold medal sizing die features a self-centering, changeable neck bushing that allows you to precisely set the amount of tension on the bullet. This reduces work hardening of the case neck brass, prolonging case life and increasing accuracy. Neck bushings are available in .001" increments from .189&rdquo Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification rifle dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749014135-749014132-20576.
Rcbs 7mm Remington Short Action Ultra Mag Neck Die Set 7mm Remington Short Action Ultra Magnum Neck Die Set USA & Canada
USD 71.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
This 7mm remington short action ultra magnum two-die neck die set is for bottleneck cases to be fired in bolt-action rifles only-specifically, cases fired out of a specific rifle and neck-sized to go back into the same rifle. The set consists of a neck sizer die with an expander-decapping unit, and a seater die with bullet seater plug. The neck sizer die resizes the neck only (it doesn't touch the shoulder or body) and de-primes. The included seater die has a built-in roll crimper to secure the bullet at the same time it's seated. Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification rifle dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100060812-100060812-20576.
L.E. Wilson Seater Die Chamber Type Seater Die 6mm/284 Win USA & Canada
USD 49.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The wilson chamber type bullet seater is a favorite among benchrest shooters. A chamber type bullet seater positively controls both bullet and cartridge case alignment. The case and bullet are completely captured by the die prior to the bullet being pushed straight into the case by a close-fitting seating stem. This style of bullet seater works more accurately than a conventional 7/8 inch to 14 bullet seating die. This is one of the most accurate bullet seaters ever made! Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. High specification rifle dies by L.E. Wilson, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749006000-749005615-20576.
Forster Bench Rest Seater Dies 22 Br USA & Canada
USD 63.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Forster bench rest reloading dies are of excellent quality and provide the reloader with the ability to produce concentric rounds time and time again. Each die is manufactured from the finest quality steel carefully machined to very tight tolerances. Dies are hand polished both before and after the heat-treating process to guarantee an extra fine finish. All forster reloading dies feature their forster cross bolt die locking ring that tightens the two ends of the split ring instead of tightening a screw directly into the threads of the die. Forster bench rest seater dies were the first of their kind to utilize a close fitting chamber that holds the case, the bullet and the seating stem Manufacturer: forster. High specification rifle dies by Forster, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100203343-749005434-20576.
Redding Competition Bushing Neck Die Sets 257 Roberts USA & Canada
USD 437.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Redding competition bushing neck die set includes a competition bushing neck sizing die, a body die, and a competition bullet seater. Neck sizing die and seater feature micrometer adjustments. Bushings and shellholder sold separately. Competition bushing neck die - with this die, the cartridge case is completely supported and aligned with the sizing bushing before the sizing process begins. As the sizing process starts, the cartridge case remains supported in the tightly chambered, sliding sleeve as it moves upward while the resizing bushing self-centers on the case neck. The decapping rod is maintained in precise alignment by using the internal parts of the die as a linear sup Manufacturer: redding. High specification rifle dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749008344-749008278-20576.
Redding Seater Dies 7mm Weatherby Mag USA & Canada
USD 55.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The redding seating die includes bullet guide, built-in crimp ring and the proper seating plug. All dies are made using the finest alloy steels obtainable and machined on hardinge super-precision lathes capable of holding the tightest tolerances in the industry. Heat treated in atmospherically controlled furnaces and hand polished for smooth, flawless functioning, these dies will maintain tolerances and last a lifetime. Inspected and ultrasonically cleaned before packaging. Manufacturer: redding. High specification rifle dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749005196-749004102-20576.
Rcbs 220 Swift Gold Medal Match Bushing Neck Die Set 220 Swift Bushing Neck Die Set USA & Canada
USD 156.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The 220 swift gold medal match series comprises the finest reloading dies built by rcbs. The two-die neck bushing set includes the neck bushing sizer die, which resizes only the case neck, and a seater die. This changeable diameter neck bushing die has been trusted by benchrest and long-range precision shooters for years. It lets reloaders precisely set the amount of tension on the bullet, reducing work-hardening of the case neck brass, prolonging case life and increasing accuracy. However, getting these benefits requires the use of high-end brass with consistent neck thicknesses. Neck bushings (sold separately) are available in .001-inch increments from .189-inch to .365-inch. Note: neck Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification rifle dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100060016-100060016-20576.
Whidden Gunworks Micrometer Seater Dies 338 Edge USA & Canada
USD 134.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
For precise, consistent oal handloads, the internals of the whidden seater die are designed to keep your rounds . Round. Inside the die is a floating sleeve system helps to improve concentricity a must for repeatable precision. The micrometer adjustable seating die has flutes for precise hand adjustment at the loading bench. The depth increments are easily read and will stay that way for years of use. Manufacturer: whidden gunworks. High specification rifle dies by Whidden, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749016247-749016214-20576.
Rcbs Gold Medal Match Seater Die 6.5mm 284 USA & Canada
USD 111.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Rcbs is proud to introduce the gold medal series of neck bushing rifle dies. This changeable diameter neck bushing type of die has been used by bench rest and long range precision shooters for years. Due to variability in neck brass thickness, rcbs standard dies size the neck below your desired diameter and then pull an expander ball through to get the proper bullet tension. The gold medal sizing die features a self-centering, changeable neck bushing that allows you to precisely set the amount of tension on the bullet. This reduces work hardening of the case neck brass, prolonging case life and increasing accuracy. Neck bushings are available in .001" increments from .189&rdquo Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification rifle dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749014166-749014155-20576.
Forster Ultra Micrometer Seater Dies 257 Weatherby Magnum Ultra Micrometer Seater Die USA & Canada
USD 104.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Forster reloading dies are of excellent quality and provide the reloader with the ability to produce concentric rounds time and time again. Each die is manufactured from the finest quality steel carefully machined to very tight tolerances. Dies are hand polished both before and after the heat-treating process to guarantee an extra fine finish. All forster reloading dies feature their forster cross bolt die locking ring that tightens the two ends of the split ring instead of tightening a screw directly into the threads of the die. The forster ultra seater includes all of the features of the forster bench rest seater die above, plus an ultra accurate micrometer adjustment. This micrometer a Manufacturer: forster. High specification rifle dies by Forster, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749006726-749006710-20576.
Rcbs 38 55 Winchester Cowboy Seater Die 38 55 Winchester Seating Die USA & Canada
USD 29.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The rcbs 38-55 winchester cowboy roll crimp seater die seats the bullet and has a built-in roll crimper to secure the bullet at the same time. Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification rifle dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100060542-100060542-20576.
Redding Seater Dies 30 Tc USA & Canada
USD 47.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The redding seating die includes bullet guide, built-in crimp ring and the proper seating plug. All dies are made using the finest alloy steels obtainable and machined on hardinge super-precision lathes capable of holding the tightest tolerances in the industry. Heat treated in atmospherically controlled furnaces and hand polished for smooth, flawless functioning, these dies will maintain tolerances and last a lifetime. Inspected and ultrasonically cleaned before packaging. Manufacturer: redding. High specification rifle dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749011095-749004102-20576.
Redding Type S Bushing Neck Die Sets 300 Wsm USA & Canada
USD 138.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The type s bushing style neck die set proveds reloaders with a simple means to precisely control case neck size and tension. Packaged in a redding die box with a wrench and extra decapping pin, this set includes a type s bushing neck die and a body die. Manufacturer: redding. High specification rifle dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749007330-749007731-20576.
Redding Seater Dies 300 Savage USA & Canada
USD 47.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The redding seating die includes bullet guide, built-in crimp ring and the proper seating plug. All dies are made using the finest alloy steels obtainable and machined on hardinge super-precision lathes capable of holding the tightest tolerances in the industry. Heat treated in atmospherically controlled furnaces and hand polished for smooth, flawless functioning, these dies will maintain tolerances and last a lifetime. Inspected and ultrasonically cleaned before packaging. Manufacturer: redding. High specification rifle dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749005187-749004102-20576.
Rcbs X Full Length Die Set X Die 2 Die Set .243 Win USA & Canada
USD 55.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Trim the case once-never trim again! the x-sizer die looks like a regular full length sizer die. Inside, the die features a specially designed mandrel with an expander ball and decapping pin attached. The mandrel is what the x-die is all about. The patented x-sizer die eliminates the need for repeated trimming after an initial trim of .020" off the maximum case length to standardize the case. The x-die doesn't shorten the length of the case: the mandrel reduces the growth rate as the case grows as a result of the case mouth-contacting the mandrel during sizing. Because of an extremely close tolerance between the mandrel and die neck wall, the neck wall of the case d Manufacturer: rcbs. High specification rifle dies by TCBS, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749014005-749014002-20576.
Redding Master Hunter Die Sets 26 Nosler Hunter Die Set USA & Canada
USD 158.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The master hunter series combines redding's proven competition seating die with a full-length sizing die that lets the hunter load exceptionally consistent ammo to minimize risk of a stuck case or failure to feed that can hinder taking a follow up shot. Full-length sizing also enables use of any saami-standard brand of case without having to resort to bushing sizer die. The result is precise bullet/case neck alignment and finely-tuned bullet seating that lets hunters achieve the utmost performance from their favorite loads. Manufacturer: redding. High specification rifle dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749015937-100020363-20576.
L.E. Wilson Stainless Nk Dies Stainless Neck Die 270 Win USA & Canada
USD 56.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
These stainless steel neck dies from l.E. Wilson are the most accurate and easiest to use straight line dies on the market. These companion stainless steel neck dies are identical to standard wilson neck dies except the body and decap pin are stainless. Neck dies accept wilson, redding, or our carbide bushing. These dies are beautifully made, accurate and will never rust or corrode. Be sure to order the sinclair neck die base (apb) for arbor press use. Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. High specification rifle dies by L.E. Wilson, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749058100-749006634-20576.
Lee Precision Ultimate Rifle 4 Die Sets 7mm Rem Mag Ultimate 4 Die Set USA & Canada
USD 59.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Choose this die set for maximum versatility. The set features a full length-resizing die to return brass to factory new dimensions, perfect for reloading brass fired in other guns. The collet neck sizing die is used on your fire formed brass giving you best possible accuracy. No case lube required and cases last almost forever. The easy adjust dead length bullet seating die foolproofs the bullet seating adjustment, and assures perfect seating depth every time. The factory crimp die provides a secure crimp on bullets with or without a crimp groove. In most cases it helps accuracy by providing a uniform higher start pressure and gives the finished cartridge factory like accuracy and dependa Manufacturer: lee precision. High specification rifle dies by Lee, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 100053458-100053453-20576.
Redding Neck Sizing Dies 338 Marlin Express USA & Canada
USD 54.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
The redding neck sizing dies size only the necks of your bottleneck cases to prolong brass like and improve accuracy. It is important that fired cases should never be interchanged between rifles since the neck sizing dies do not size the shoulder or body. Ideal for cartridges used in bolt action rifles. All dies are made using the finest alloy steels obtainable and machined on hardinge super-precision lathes capable of holding the tightest tolerances in the industry. Heat treated in atmospherically controlled furnaces and hand polished for smooth, flawless functioning, these dies will maintain tolerances and last a lifetime. Inspected and ultrasonically cleaned before packaging. Manufacturer: redding. High specification rifle dies by Redding, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to U.S. and Canada. Manufacturer produt ID 749005266-749004260-20576.
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